Practical effect of Bankruptcy on Foreclosure

If you are facing foreclosure and or other debilitating and caustic financial challenges it is a time for careful reflection because the decisions you are in the process of making are going to have lasting effects on your credit FICO score, your ability to borrow money and the cost of money to you for years […]

Avoid Debt Collector’s Harassment

The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) came into practice to regulate the methods used by debt collectors in collecting debt. According to the FDCPA, a debt collector is someone who collects debts on a regular basis. This includes collection agencies, lawyers who collect debts on a regular basis and companies that buy criminal debts […]

Chapter 11 Bankruptcy 101

Chapter 11 refers to the specific chapter of the federal Bankruptcy Code that handles business reorganization. Once a business or corporation files a Chapter 11 bankruptcy petition, all of its debts and contractual obligations are frozen on the day of filing. A trustee is appointed by the court to oversee the bankruptcy estate. The corporation […]

Legal Advice for Bankruptcy Petitions in St. Petersburg FL

Bankruptcy used to bring much shame and stigma in the past. People have even been known to take their own lives because of it. In current society, however, a bankruptcy petition is seen not as a badge of defeat but as a practical social safety net. People in the United States, including St. Petersburg FL, […]

Bankruptcy Exemptions What Is Eligible?

<!– @page { margin: 0.79in } P { margin-bottom: 0.08in } A:link { so-language: zxx } –> Chapter 7 bankruptcy is commonly referred to as “liquidation” bankruptcy. It cancels debt entirely in the course of approximately three months and is an attractive option for many people considering bankruptcy. The down side for many is that […]

Lifting the Financial Burden of Cancer

Written by Patrick T. Keith, Suzanne Miller-Cormier, and Mirna Hernandez Published in the Virginia Lawyer Magazine Jane never imagined a routine exam would land her in an oncologist’s office and ultimately lead to her cancer diagnosis. Her immediate concerns were how this would affect her husband and two small children. The family was struggling financially, […]

Detroit Bankruptcy Lawyers: Does My Spouse Have To File Bankruptcy With Me?

The age old question that gets put to any bankruptcy attorney. The reasons for this question are endless, but most of the time it is because one spouse does not want the other spouse to know they are filing bankruptcy, or they want to protect the other spouses credit rating. Whatever you reason for this […]

Filing for Bankruptcy In Dallas

As a bankruptcy attorney in Dallas I have consulted hundreds of homeowners trying to stop foreclosure after being denied a loan modification. While these homeowners followed their lenders directions to the tee in an effort to avoid foreclosure, they ended up with a foreclosure sale date hanging over their head. The unfortunate thing is they […]

How To Protect Your Investments In Bankruptcy

<!– @page { margin: 0.79in } P { margin-bottom: 0.08in } A:link { so-language: zxx } –> Serious financial problems rarely happen when you expect them. Personal injuries or other illnesses that leave you disabled can cause huge medical bills to pile up yet cut off the only source of funds you have to pay […]


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