Bankruptcy Lawyer Hialeah


If you are looking for information about debt relief, foreclosure prevention or bankruptcy, the chances are good that you have already discussed your situation with one or more Florida bankruptcy lawyers.

Our country’s financial crisis is real, and if you are drowning in debt you are not alone. If you are considering bankruptcy, you probably thought it would never happen to you. But even the hardest working people can find themselves saddled with more debt than they can handle. Perhaps you have lost your job, suffered a divorce or been confronted with a serious health condition and unexpected medical bills. In many situations, bankruptcy may provide a welcome solution to what seems like an impossible problem.

Bankruptcy doesn’t mean failure. Bankruptcy is a governmental benefit, like unemployment compensation or disability insurance. If you meet the requirements for filing Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy, then why should you feel ashamed or guilty about accepting a benefit that is freely offered by the government?

Contact the law offices of Andres Montejo, Esq. today . Talk to an experienced bankruptcy attorney today, sleep better tonight, and begin the process of securing a debt-free tomorrow.

At the Hialeah law offices of Andres Montejo, Esq., we understand the pressure you are living with and how financial crises affect everyday life. When you call for your free consultation, experienced bankruptcy lawyer Andres Montejo will thoroughly analyze every detail of your situation and help you explore your debt relief options. Our job is to equip you with sound legal advice so you can choose the best way to get on the road to relief. When you enter our Hialeah office, you will find a compassionate environment and an attorney and staff who respect your privacy and who empathize with your troubles.

Personalized and Comprehensive Bankruptcy Counsel

Everybody’s financial situation is different. It is never a good idea to listen to advice from friends or family about bankruptcy and other methods of debt relief. Only a deeply knowledgeable bankruptcy lawyer who understands the interconnecting details of our bankruptcy system can give you the thorough advice you need to make an informed decision. We can provide you with the necessary information you need regarding bankruptcy at our Hialeah office. After your first visit to our office, you will have a clear picture of your options and a plan of action.

In addition to an atmosphere of caring concern, our clients also appreciate the small size of our law practice. We intentionally limit the number of bankruptcy cases we work on, to ensure that all our clients get as much consultation time as they need. We focus on the quality of our work rather than the quantity. Every week, we help people discharge debt, save their homes and start a new financial life.

Contact Us

In most cases, you will be able to eliminate your debt, keep your home, and re-establish your credit. Don’t wait to get the debt relief you deserve. In many cases, you’ll begin to see the relief and benefit of bankruptcy protection while we’re preparing your initial filing. An experienced bankruptcy lawyer can help you get back on your feet. Contact the law office of Andres Montejo, Esq. today to schedule a free initial consultation.

The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. Before you decide, ask us to send you free written information about our qualifications and experience.


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